Genus thymus belongs to the family of the Labiateae and includes about 350 species of plants including the common thyme -thymus vulgaris- native to the Western Mediterranean. Thymus vulgaris widespreads in Italy, where it is present in a spontaneous or cultivated state and, together with thymus serpillum, is mostly used for its therapeutic properties. Other species of thyme plants are thymus herba barona and thymus citriodorus, with a lemon scent characteristic. The leaves of thyme are small and elongated, green-grey and covered by a thick down. Thyme in the kitchen is highly appreciated both for its organoleptic qualities and for its digestive effect. It goes well with many foods such as roast or stewed meats, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, oils and aromatic vinegars. Also used to perfume wines and prepare liquors while its infusion is an excellent substitute for tea or coffee. Unlike other spices, thyme does not lose its aroma after drying, on the contrary, its aroma is more intense, like in the case of oregano and rosemary. Used since the ancient Egyptian era for embalming, Tthyme was also much appreciated in Greece where thyme honey was considered a delicacy, and during the Roman Empire where the soldiers sprinkled themselves with water and thyme as they were convinced that this plant instilled courage and vigour.