Pumpkin, or Cucurbita Maxima, belongs to the family of Cucurbitacee and is the largest fruit of the earth. Native to South America, it has a creeping or climbing -on the soil- stalk characterized by spiral tendrils and large leaves. For its cultivation is very important the climate which must be warm, because low temperatures cause its death. The edible part is the fruit of which both the pulp and the seeds are consumed. The pumpkin is a berry of remarkable size, called peponide, with very different characteristics depending on the species. The peel can be smooth, ribbed or even lumpy and its colour varies from yellow to orange, from dark green to green with whitish streaks. The pulp is more or less always intense yellow or orange. The shape can be globular more or less flattened at the poles or elongated, sometimes with a swelling at one end. Low in calories -18 calories per 100 g edible part, it is rich instead in vitamins and starches and has diuretic and laxative properties. It’s also used to fight intestinal parasites in traditional medicine.